
Apr 3rd, 2024


The output wavelength of a laser depends on the laser material, the process of stimulated emission, the optics of the laser resonator, and additional optical components outside the resonator (e.g., non-linear crystals for 2nd, 3rd, 4th, or 5th harmonic generation). As you increase in level of harmonic generation, overall power efficiencies of the laser decrease, as more and more losses are introduced into the system. For each transition between energy levels, a given material can support stimulated emission over a limited range of wavelengths.  The probability of stimulated emission varies with wavelengths. The process concentrates emissions at wavelengths with higher stimulated emission probabilities.

Solid-State Lasers and Laser Diodes are available in wavelengths from the deep UV, through Visible and IR, and into the LWIR (long-wave infrared) spectral regions. This laser light wavelength chart provides a quick visual breakdown of UV, Visible, and IR spectral regions.

Not all laser types are available in all wavelengths. In many cases, the laser type defines which wavelengths are available.


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